Divine Transformation Coaching
Here I was weighing nearly 21 stone.
If I only knew what I know now!
Which is how much I am worthy of everything. How precious I am and how incredible i am in my own beautiful uniqueness. You see, I didn’t see any of that. I felt worthless, ugly, unlovable and ashamed of who I had let myself become. I had lost touch with my body and I didn’t care about how treated her, or how others treated her. She was a lost cause and I had no idea how precious my body was as my life giver to be able to experience all the magic as a human here on this planet!
One thing I have always known though is that I would find a way and I have. My weight loss journey has not been conventional and neither is my story but would I change it? Not on your nelly!
I have come to realise that all of my struggles, my pain, my self loathing and self destruction through food addiction has been for one purpose and that is to share my story with others who also need help.
No, it’s not another diet or meal plan, but a new way to be, a new way of regaining the wisdom of who you are and why you are so precious in your unique way. I now look back at myself here with so much love. I was so scared yet I fought with every fibre of my body to be where I am today. I know that I was just as worthy of love then as I am now but most importantly that love was mostly required by myself. I am here to show you how you can do this too.
Welcome BEAUTIFUL, yes you, that’s right, I am talking to YOU!
I know your heart is full of despair and sadness and you do not know which way to turn next. You promise yourself every week that you will be “good” and not cheat next week but when that time comes you sabotage it before you have even started allowing yourself to continue the self harm of over eating, continuing to tell yourself that it’s ok, you will start again next week. You will go to the gym or stop binging on the wine, you will not buy yourself chocolate and pretend that you were buying it to treat your children, the list goes on and on and on! As I am sure you are aware!
I’d like to invite you to my first ever masterclass on "Transforming Food Addiction - Through the Art of Self Love".
This is something completely unique as it comes from my souls journey. It’s not a diet and to be honest it’s not even about food or what you should or shouldn’t eat! This is about you! About obtaining YOU back. It's about obtaining your true souls essence back ,so that you know how precious you truly are in this world, and why you are worth the incredible love that you will learn to give yourself.
The tools here will empower you to start to take back control over your eating habits.
There’s no quick fix, no pills, no operations, no diets that can fix your emotional attachment to food, believe me I know, I have tried all of the above! ⬆️
So if this resonates with you and you would like to learn more about ways to empower your self love, please come along to the masterclass.
Within the class I will be telling my hearts story and why I am here with you all.
I will be sharing those moments of pain that turned into “AHA” moments, the healing processes, letting go of the trauma, and the radical responsibility that I now take for myself and my own actions, because I know that I am worth EVERYTHING!
And so are you.
I will be discussing ways in which you can work with me and my upcoming PRECIOUS WOMAN RETREAT.
There will be a free gift for all of you who stay until the end of the masterclass.
From my heart to yours I am so excited to welcome you into a space of unconditional love, non judgement and fun.
I love you ❤️❤️❤️
If you would like to learn more about my journey, and how I can help you be free from food addiction, please enter your email address in the box below, and sign up to our free masterclass. It will be held on 13th September 2024 at 7pm via Zoom link. You will receive further information and the Zoom link via email after sign up.
I am so excited to announce our very first Precious Woman Retreat.
It is my life's work to guide and enable others to heal themselves, and I can’t wait for you to experience the freedom for yourself. This is a unique program that allows you to feel freedom around food, give your body the love and respect that it deserves, and never have to go on a fad diet again. I have your back for your whole journey, with coaching options available after the retreat.
More information will follow soon, but for now here is a sneak preview.
Keep up-to-date with our new Face, Body, Mind and Soul approach to self care, by joining our Facebook Group.